Coach a team member, in order to enhance the individual’s
performance in the work environment.
Purpose of the Programme
This programme has been developed specifically to provide a manager, supervisor, team leader or any individual wishing to utilise coaching skills in their role in the workplace with the necessary knowledge, skills, tools, techniques, and practical experience related to ‘’Coaching a team member in order to enhance the individual’s performance in the work environment’’.

The course is 3-days classroom training and has a three-month portfolio of evidence to complete for practical experience
- Explaining the concept of coaching in a business environment.
- Understanding the difference between coaching, mentoring, counseling & psychology.
- Gaining a better understanding of the Human being and Coaching, neuroplasticity, what constitutes for a brain and what coaching is and
is not! - Demonstrating skills and techniques required of a coach.
- Developing an action plan to coach team members.
- Gathering evidence and monitoring progress.
1. History of Coaching
2. The difference between Coaching & Training
3. The Human being and Coaching
4. Neuroplasticity
5. Did you know that you have 3 brains?
6. What constitutes for a brain?
7. What COACHING is and is not!
8. The importance of true Communication
9. Methods of communication
10. The presuppositions & mind reads of NLP
11. Presuppositions
12. Active & Deep Listening
13. Listening skills
14. Excellent Questioning Techniques
15. The coaching process
16. Coaching Contracts and Agreements
17. Building trust and rapport
18. Coaching skills, tools and models
19. Coaching Styles & Models
20. Monitoring & Feedback
21. Action, Accountability & Assessment
22. Evaluating the growth & development process
23. Coach Credentialing guidance
This course is intended for anyone wishing to ‘’LEAD’’ their lives in a more wholesome way.

Become certified as an International mBIT Coach
Reaching WISDOM and Rescript Consulting is proud to invite you to the mBIT Coach Certification 2022
What is mBraining?
mBraining uses the latest neuro science research to show that we have three Brains. The implications are profound and powerful. With empowered awareness of how these brains process the world around them, we can therefore learn how to make more aligned and congruent decisions in our lives. We can see true Leadership and wise decision-making occur.
Used to compliment nearly any profession, we can see true emergence of authenticity in our lives, empowering our clients, our co-workers and
team, our family and friends and finally, ourselves.