
Here is a bit about our journey to the amazing world of Coaching, Mentoring & Training.

In 2003, Yolandi Dercksen stepped into the interesting arena of Supply Chain Management, Freight and Logistics. In this fast-paced, deadline-driven industry she became aware of the need for individuals to specialise and be Trained and Educated on understanding the full cycle of the Supply Chain which links to every industry globally.

With a passionate drive for development, she soon became an Occupationally Directed, Education, Training & Development Practitioner to be able to get organisations accredited and to have customised learning materials within organisations.

Becoming a Master Coach followed suit quickly thereafter as this is one of the most critical elements to be added to any growth & development for human beings! It is important to truly understand what coaching is and what it means to individuals & organisations.

Yolandi Citizen Article

Brian Sokutu from The Citizen wrote an insightful article about Yolandi’s career journey. Click on the button to read the article.

The video below explains what Coaching is.


Performance, Life & Executive

using international coaching models, tools and techniques such as CLEAR, GROW & Human Needs Psychology focusing on the Human Neurology.


in the business arena focusing on areas of Business Management, Supply Chain and Freight & Logistics.

Professional Training and

for company strategic sessions & customised soft skills.

Group Coaching

Company Culture building and upliftment through Group Coaching for individuals to reach self-awareness on their strengths and areas of fears & limiting beliefs.

Enneagram Personality Profile
& Debriefing

which creates self-awareness and uncovers the patterns of behaviour that subconsciously drive and motivate us to act in certain ways. When we make these patterns and motivations conscious, we are able to transcend them and develop richer, more supportive ways of being.

In-house Academy Accreditations

Assisting organisations to get their own in-house training academies accredited, customised learning materials developed and to incorporate the company’s policies and procedures into their training, growth and development for their staff and clients.

Benefits of Coaching

‘’The benefits of coaching are many; 80% of people who receive coaching report increased self-confidence, and over 70% benefit from improved work performance, relationships, and more effective communication skills. 86% of companies report that they recouped their investment on coaching and more’’ (source: ICF 2009).

Why Coaching

‘’Coaches understand, leverage and get great satisfaction from deploying the unique talents and strengths of each employee. Great managers are always developing and positioning talent to maximize outcomes, and they get extraordinary results from it: Workers who know and use their strengths average 10% to 19% increased sales and 14% to 29% increased profit, among other bottom-line results’’. – (source: Gallop)

Increased Productivity

‘’88%: Training and coaching leads to an increase of 88% in productivity, versus 23% from training alone.’’ – (source: Fingerprints for Success)


“A sincere thank you to Yolandi for presenting the course, it was very rewarding. It helped the Engineering staff to have a better understanding of where Incoterms fit into the business and what these terms mean when they see them on quotes. You are a wonderful facilitator. We received all round very good feedback from the participants. You made the training lively and comprehensible, thank you so much! “

– Sharlene Henning (SAPPI Ngodwana) Incoterms 2020 Training

“The Enneagram session was amazing and had a huge and positive effect on my mindset, it was an awakening. I took it to heart and am actively working on ME; asking the questions: Is this working for me? Will this benefit me? Is this in my control? Is this part of my life plan?”

– Jessica (Imperial Car Rental)

‘’Thank you that I am able to journey with you, it helps to have someone that truly listens to my inner world.’’

– Theresa Pienaar (Life Coaching)

“After noticing all the great LifeCoaching work that Yolandi is doing in the industry, it was easy to make the decision to embark on a coaching journey with her.

Yolandi facilitated a session on mBit for our leadership team. It was very interesting to see how this concept can be applied when making business decisions.

My debriefing after doing the Enneagram test gave me a wonderful insight into the way I respond to different situations, good and bad. I look forward to explore more ways of improving and growing with Yolandi.”

Louise McPhail

“I have always enjoyed being challenged. We only grow if we are pushed to the next level. Growth never takes place in the comfort-zone. Growth and development takes place when we are pushed and stretched to new levels.
As an executive you are always dedicated to continuous improvement. You do not settle for “good enough”. You constantly need to raise the game.

It is of utmost importance that you constantly surround yourself with people that can challenge your thinking, be authentic and give open and honest feedback. During my career I have been very selective, and maybe very picky on who I will allow into this space, since excellence, competence, action, and high performance are the qualities that I am looking for.

Well, Yolandi has been one of those people. As a coach, mentor, facilitator, and strategic partner she just stands out. Her ability to align with the company’s strategic intent, understand the job to be done and get it done has always impressed me.

If you want to be challenged, if you want to grow, if you want to develop, if you want to raise your game, Yolandi is that person.

It is always a pleasure to work with Yolandi. Yolandi, Thank You for always delivering on your promises.”

– Patrick Jansen van Rensburg
COO – Savino Del Dene South-Africa